by Swami Ram Charran
For LifeCode # 4
Lifecode #4 is for the following birth dates: Jan 03,12,21,30; Feb 02,11,20,29; Mar 01,10,19,28; Apr 09,18,27; May 08,17,26; Jun 07,16,25; Jul 06,15,24; Aug 05,14,23; Sep 04,13,22; Oct 03,12,21,30; Nov 02,11,20,29; Dec 01,10,19,28
- You are hardworking and conscientious.
- You have a high temper and may experience many stressful moments.
- You are very determined in your attitude and you will not admit defeat easily.
- If you want something, you are determined to have it at any cost.
- Too much work may affect your health.
- You will do very well in life if you own a home.
- Real estate investments are very lucky for you.
There is completeness in FOUR because mathematically it is a square. It is associated with the earth and its four seasons, and people under its influence tend to be very down-to-earth, systematic, practical, and stable, upholding law and order, using logic and reason in their actions. Yet there is also an earthbound and unimaginative side to these people, who may be over-fussy about small details, lazy, weak, and prone to worrying too much. Occasionally, a Four will have a stubborn, rebellious streak. Friendship is difficult
You are an extremely hard working person and sometimes people refer to you as a workaholic. You are very slow and methodical in your actions. It is very hard for someone to get you to change your mind once you have made a decision. And even if you do agree to comply you may experience difficulty adapting to the change or anything new in life. You are very dutiful in your home and may be found to be constantly doing something around the house. You make an excellent carpenter and may be very successful in the field of construction. As a contractor you may become very wealthy in life. You are a collector of antiques or articles of memory. You may be the owner of many homes or none if you are negative. You may also be a landlord and if you are negative may experience many troubles and court problems with tenants. You may acquire properties through inheritance from your parents or a dead relative. If you are employed in a business of your own you may be working more hours than you really get compensated for. If you are in a regular job you may be asked to put in a lot of overtime. If you are negative, most major problems in life may be related to your career. Laziness may definitely bring you down to poverty and ruin. You are advised to avoid placing yourself under too much pressure or tension as this may surely create high blood pressure problems. Avoid overwork and lifting of heavy equipment. If you are not an attorney you may experience delays and problems through attorneys. You may experience also rheumatic pains in your joints. If you are a positive person you may settle down into a very comfortable and large home, well decorated and taken care of by your spouse. Christians are advised to study the experiences of Abraham in the Old Testament.
Product Details
- Copyright Swami Ram Charran (Standard Copyright License)
- Publisher: Heendu Learning Center
- Language: English
- Dimensions (inches) 8.5 wide x 11 tall