Swami Advice
I Was Walking Down Life'S Highway (Path Of Karma) A Long Time Ago. One Day I Saw A Sign On
The Side That Read "Devaloka(Heaven'S) Shopping Mall". As I Got A Little Closer The Door Came
Open Wide And When I Realize Myself I Was Standing Inside The Shopping Mall.
As I Look Around I Saw A Host Of Devtas(Angels). They Were Standing Everywhere. One Handed
Me A Basket And Said, "My Child, Shop With Care". Everything That A True Bhakti (Devotee)
Needed Was In That Shopping Mall. I Was Told That All I Could Not Carry Today, I Could Come
Back The Next Day For More.
First I Went To The "Durga" Store And I Got Some Love And Tenderness. Next I Went To The
"Ganesh" Store And Got Some Wisdom And Understanding, You Need That Everywhere You Go.
Further Down In The "Gowri" Store I Got A Few Bags Of Patience And A Bag Or Two Of Faith. I Just
Could Not Miss The "Shiva" Store Where I Picked Up The Holy Spirit And Enough Of Inner Peace To
Last Me A Life Time, For It Was All Over The Place.
I Stopped At The "Hanuman" Store Next To Pickup Some Dedication And Strength And Then Rushed
Over To The "Krishna" Store To Get Some Courage,Inner Bliss And Grace. I Did Not Forget To
Pickup Some Knowledge At The "Saraswattie Store" And A Lot Of Salvation At The "Bramha" Store
As Everything Was Free There. I Needed Enough Salvation To Save Both You And Me. There Were
Many "Laxmi" Stores, And They All Carried Peace, Joy And Prosperity, However The Shelves Were
Very High And Hard To Reach, But I Got As Much As I Could.
Finally I Started Up The Isle To Look For The Register To Pay, For I Noticed That There Were No
Cash Registers Around In These Stores. After Some Questions I Was Directed To The Main Register
Counter For The Whole Shopping Mall. As I Got To The Counter I Saw The "Navgrahas'" Shelf, So I
Picked Up Some Prayer From Brihaspati Devta, Some Solidity From Shanee Devta, Some Control
From Mangal Devta, Some Ego From Surya Devta, Some Intelligence From Chandra Devta, Some
Beauty From Shukra Devta And Some Success From Budh Devta.
Next To The Counter On The "Vishnu" Shelf I Saw Bajans, Mantras And Poojas Hanging There, So I
Helped Myself To A Lot Of These, Because I Knew That As Soon As I Stepped Outside Of The Mall I
Would Run Right Into Sin And Rakshas Souls.
Then I Said To The Devta Standing Behind The Counter" How Much Do I Owe You?"
The Devta Smiled And Said."Just Take Them Everywhere You Go."
Again I Smiled And Said, "How Much Do I Really Owe?"
He Smiled Again And Said,"My Child, Your Guru Paid Your Complete Bill A While Ago!!!"
In the following pages, the teachings and disciplines of Swamiji are outlined so as to make your life a successful, fulfilling and prosperous one. By following the program outlined you will be able to enjoy a life full of wealth, health, love, marriage, children, great career, comfortable home, and good family relationships. I am glad you have taken this path and hope that you will remain humble always at the feet of the Guru or transcendental teacher.
If you are unable to give up red meat, such as beef, pork, duck and goat, then you will be unable to receive any results from Swamiji’s teachings or programs. Think of this: when you were a baby, you drank milk from the cow, so your body is made up of the same proteins that the cow has. If you kill and eat the cow, how can you digest the same meat you are made of….its like eating your own self; how can you digest your own self? In addition to that, people who have eaten red meat place an enormous amount of UREA, harmful waste, in the blood system that causes sluggishness in their thinking and actions. You will find that people who eat red meat suffer from health problems, money problems, marriage problems, sexual problems, and even cancerous afflictions to the brain and sexual organs. Of all the people I have seen, those who gave up red meat did excellent in their health, marriage and career life.
Vitamin D is a very essential part of the body’s requirement for good health and energy. If you are wearing black clothes including underwear and socks etc., then you are suffering from back pains, irregular menstrual cycles and lots of high temper or anger. In addition to that you will find that you are spending more money than you expect think of this…If you put a black cloth on the window, it keeps light away from you; similarly the light (or vitamin D) does not reach your body when you are wearing black clothes. Lack of light energy slows down their body’s electrical system (the synapses) and causes you to respond slowly to others advice or ideas.
If you are following Swami Ram Charran’s philosophy, then you should avoid cigarette smoking completely as this type of habit will affect you negatively in life and also you will not be able to reap any benefits from Swamiji’s prayers. If you do not stop the smoking it will be useless to ask swami Ram to do any prayers for you. Alcohol should be avoided at all cost, but light fruit wines and beers taken in moderation would not affect you from receiving swamiji’s blessings. Heavy and strong alcohol must be avoided at ALL times. Such things as Rum and strong whiskey or brandy should not be taken if you are following the swami’s philosophy. Of course NO ALCOHOL is always better.
Where you live will determine your success, happiness and prosperity in life. If you are living in a negative home you will not be able to progress as fast as you wish and Swamiji’s blessings will not work for you at a 100% level. If you are living in a #9 or #6 home\ or apartment then you need to move if you can. Also if your life code # when added to the house # comes out to #9 or #6 you need to move also or do a correction puja or ritual to make the home a blessed one. You can consult with Swamiji or purchase the House cleaning kit from the Heendu Learning Center if you are experiencing blockages and negativities in the home.
Some of the benefits from the Neem Capsules are that they help you maintain healthy blood sugar level, strong bones, healthy skin and it prevents depression. It acts as antibiotic and antiviral that helps you control infections, gum disease and many others. One Neem capsule every other day in your routine will help you prevent these afflictions.
The curative qualities of these foods are amazing. They have been used in Ayurvedic Medicine for thousands of years, and we have put them into capsules to accommodate to the modern life style that allows less time for cooking and for selecting the individual foods and spices that will improve your health on a daily basis.
It is recommended that you take one of each of these capsules every other day in the morning after eating one apple and preferably with your breakfast.
Lie down on your back with your legs straight out, and then form yourself into a ball by bringing your knees to your chest and placing your arms around your knees. This will cause your spine to curve into a half circle then fall back and rock your body in a seesaw fashion. This motion will cause you spine to roll on the floor. After a few rolls, straighten your body out once again like your original position, and enjoy the relaxation.
1.Hold your money in your hand and place it on the feet of Lord Ganesh and repeat the following mantra 3 times:
1. Do not have more than ONE GANESH at your Altar.
2. Women should not wear Rudraksha Beads.
3. Women can obtain great blessings using Tulsi Malas.
4. It is always good to have a Ganesh at the front door.
5. For protection Swami Ram made a special OM sticker for the front door and cars.
6. A Home Code #6 or # 9 is not good for Money.
7. It is good to have an Altar at home for praying.
8. It is not good to buy a house that faces south.
9. It is good to have a water fountain in front of door.
10. DO proper research before following a Guru/Priest.
11. If your house is haunted, is a bad number for you, or the numbers add up to 6 or 9 then you need to get the house cleaning material that will help to remove these negative energies. If you are interesting in getting the cleaning package, order from the store by clicking here