by Swami Ram Charran
For LifeCode # 3
LifeCode #3 is for the following birthdates: Jan 02,11,20,29;Feb 01,10,19,28;Mar 09,18,27;Apr 08,17,26; May 07,16,25;Jun 06,15,24;Jul 05,14,23;Aug 04,13,22,31;Sep 03,12,21,30; Oct 02,11,20,29;Nov 01,10,19,28;Dec 09,18,27
- You are usually very skinny, small in stature and a thin waist.
- You are very argumentative and usually think you are always right.
- You may experience loss of children or abortions in your life.
- You will experience also problems with regard to the uterus.
- You may also experience cramps or lower back pain.
- You are childish in your ways, people think you are immature
- You hesitate to accept responsibility.
- You may have many children.
- You may be involved in publishing, writing or selling of books
- Your career may involve some form of communication
Number 3s are creative and disciplined people, associated with the planet Jupiter. Growth, success, luck, happiness, and fertility are suggested, though on the negative side the person may also be gossipy, moody, overcritical, sometimes rather shy or pessimistic or unimaginative, and prone to leaving jobs half done. You will get on especially well with other threes.
Usually you are a very jovial and happy person. In most cases your ego will not allow others to upset you or prevent you from achieving your desires or your satisfaction to be right always. You are very youthful looking and even in old age you will look ten years younger than you really are. You may have a petite body and may enjoy such hobbies as dancing, music, and swimming. You express yourself very clearly to others and may be asked to give speeches to groups of people. You love children and would very much like to have them around you. Children enjoy your company because you are very playful. Other adults may find you immature at times and in love relationships your partner may think you are very childish in your ways. If you are negative you may be denied the opportunity of having children. If such is the case an astrologer may be very helpful to you. You like to read a great deal and can be a good communicator. You may spend a great deal of your time on the phone. A career associated with electronic communication may be very beneficial to you. Those who are educated may find themselves wanting to publish or write books as you make an excellent author. If you are not religious your negativity may present you with many difficulties in life which may create great losses through younger people. Also you may experience the sickness of children around you. Christians are advised to meditate on Jesus Christ as a teacher and on the words 'The Lord is My Shepherd and I am the Sheep.'
- Product Details
- Copyright Swami Ram Charran (Standard Copyright License)
- Publisher: Heendu Learning Center
- Language: English
- Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
- Dimensions (inches) 8.5 wide x 11 tall